KUWAIT: Camps set up in the Kuwaiti desert in these file photos. - KUNA

four-month camping season in Kuwait kicks off on November 15, when the Kuwaiti
desert, amid the moderate weather, would host camping fans and leisure seekers.
Kuwait Municipality is kicking off the season, promoting a new site for
camping; the eastern bank of Kuwait Bay at the other end of Sheikh Jaber
Causeway that stretches across the sea waters, linking up the bay two banks.

Fahad Al-Qraifah,
in charge of public cleanliness and road works at the municipality, said that
the new camping location has been chosen for easy accessibility, noting that it
is far from military installations and high-tension cables. Public services
centers and security checkpoints will be erected close to camping sites, he
said, reiterating that people cannot camp at locations that have not been
chosen by the authorities.

Camping fans can
register their names as of the 15th of this month via a dedicated website, with
a KD 50 fee and repayable sum of KD 300. A camper will be allowed to use a
1,000 square meter plot of land. The Sheikh Jaber Causeway is one of the latest
national accomplishments, envisaged within the New Kuwait Vision 2035
development strategy.

It is designed to
pave way for decentralization and establishing new residential districts. Many
people have been eager to enjoy the camping season, as the weather has turned
quite with the maximum temperatures currently in the 30 degrees' range. - KUNA