By Nawara Fattahova

With the arrival of the New Year, people wish for things they hope will come true. They make resolutions for things they want to work on to improve their lives. Sometimes they succeed in achieving their resolutions, while in many cases they fail to do so. Like every year, Kuwait Times staff share our resolutions for 2022 with our readers.

Nawara: I fulfilled most of my old resolutions, but I certainly didn't fulfill last year's resolution of travelling every month in 2021 to compensate for my lack of travelling in 2020 due to the pandemic. So my New Year's resolution for 2022 will again be to travel every month to compensate for the previous two years, as I only travelled once in 2021. I will also work hard on realizing my dream of fashion designing.

Marilyn: My resolution for 2022 is to travel around the world.

Mustafa: I hope that in 2022, we will finally get back to normal life. I wish to travel without fear of getting stuck abroad, and I hope that the pandemic will end soon.

Islam: This year my resolution is to improve my career and life in general. I also aim to help my son finish his university studies in 2022.

Zakir: In 2022, I hope to change my habits to awake early. I will try to work harder and double my income. I will also try to start walking more, exercise and take more care of myself.

Tony: My New Year's resolution is that the world in 2022 should be free from any new pandemic. This year I will try to be at my best and help in whatever way I can to bring smiles on people's faces.

Sajeev: I won't even make a wild guess as to what 2022 holds for me, given the unpleasant experiences I had in the last two years. The world has become so unpredictable. Although I am an avid traveler, I haven't traveled in the last two years. I earnestly hope that I can travel out of the country, at least to a couple of places, in 2022. I will make serious efforts to fulfill this resolution. The odds are that I may be able to make it.

Chidi: I want to be a blessing to others and promote peace, love, equity and unity. There will be need to pray more and worry less. Above all, I would like to be a good ambassador of Christ.

Shakir: I hope to travel somewhere - anywhere! Also aiming to be punctual and diligent in everything I do. Looking forward to achieving all my personal and professional goals.

Ben: Goodwill and peace to mankind! I still want to be a billionaire, although it was my resolution last year, the year before and maybe for the past 10 years now. Until I fulfill this dream and fly to the moon, I will never stop dreaming.

Abdullatif: I'm an optimist by nature, and my resolution this year is to try and help the community around me to understand and practice tolerance towards all, as our great faith asks us to do. Peace be upon all.

Sreenu: I pray to God that this year the world will be free from any kind of pandemic, and hope people heal from its devastating effects. I also wish to travel to my hometown, as I couldn't for two years due to the pandemic. By God's grace, I hope to help a few affected people in my city as much as I can.

Hasan: I strongly believe that fate plays a negative role in all my New Year resolutions. So this year, I want to be the worst husband and hopefully a bad father as well. My last year's resolution was to not get married.

Ahmad: I would like to get a new phone, and hopefully travel if the COVID-19 situation permits. Speaking of which, I must not forget to add taking the fourth dose of the COVID vaccine!

Sabastian: My New Year's resolution is to focus on my health - eat healthy and exercise.