Photo essay by Joseph Shagra and Yasser Al-Zayyat

Anyone that has lived in Kuwait for any length of time will tell you that the landscape can often be monotonous. Kuwait is a beautiful, complex place with a diverse - some would say, scattered - urbanscape and with a luxury of beautiful and breathtaking architecture, urban spaces and every day sights, smells and sounds.

Seeing the place with new eyes or a new perspective, however, isn't always easy. So this weekend, Kuwait Times decided to try looking at Kuwait through a 'worm's eye' view.

A worm's eye view is when any object, building, or place is viewed below, as if the viewer is a worm. The idea is to contrast with a 'bird's eye' view of Kuwait as seen from above or that of the traditional street level view.

We hope you enjoy these images and take a moment throughout your week to see things from a differing perspective. We also challenge you: Recognize anything?