KUWAIT: Kuwaiti farmer Yousef Al-Kreibani poses with some saplings grown at his private farm. — Photos by Joseph Shagra

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti farmer Yousef Al-Kreibani distributed saplings for free at The Boulevard Park in Salmiya yesterday in his last activity for this season. "This is part of the campaign I held during the entire year, where I distributed rare and special saplings to citizens and expats free of charge," he told Kuwait Times.

Kreibani held this campaign for the second year. "I aim to encourage people to plant, especially household farming. This campaign also aims to spread environmental awareness in Kuwait. I hold such activities about seven times a year in different areas of the six governorates. This campaign starts in October and concludes in March," he added.

Yesterday, he distributed around 2,400 saplings, which were given to around 400 people. "The types of plants I distribute depend on the season. Today I distributed black tomatoes, red lettuce, purple kale, Swiss chard, chamomile, purple carrot and yellow carrot. Every month, we change the kind of saplings according to the season," he explained.

"We give the people the sapling ready in the box with proper natural soil. They only have to transfer the sapling to a bigger pot or to the garden, and after around a month, this sapling will grow and bear fruit. But it differs from one kind to another - and the period of maturity is between six weeks to two months," Kreibani said. "I am glad that more people are interested in this campaign. I hope that this useful activity will teach people new things," he concluded.

By Nawara Fattahova