Mustafa Qamhiya has been working in the field of journalism for more than 30 years. He graduated with a degree in English Literature from Damascus University in 1984 and began his professional career at the local press department of Kuwait's Ministry of Information in 1985.

Qamhiya joined Kuwait Times in 1996 as a translator, and two years later, was made the head of the translation department. In 2001, he was promoted to the post of Local Desk Manager. For the next 10 years, Qamhiya oversaw the work of editors, reporters, translators, and photographers, delegating assignments to ensure comprehensive coverage of local events.

In 2011, he was promoted to the post of Executive Editor, leading to further administrative responsibilities. Another decade later, in 2021, Qamhiya was promoted to the post of Managing Editor to lead Kuwait Times into a new digital era, while at the same time strengthening its core print platform.