WASHINGTON: This handout illustration image obtained Feb 27, 2020 courtesy of the US Food and Drug Administration shows the COVID-19 coronavirus. - AFP

By A Saleh

KUWAIT: Health ministry officials have praised the efforts of Roche Middle East and its partner Central Circle Company for their rapid response to the coronavirus problem in Kuwait. The companies produce (Roche) and distribute (Central Circle) the diagnostic kits and equipment necessary to test for the coronavirus, along with many others.

As the number of cases rises dramatically in the region, the demand for these tests has drastically increased, creating a global bottleneck in supply. The demand for other necessary items such as facemasks and hand sanitizers has also shot through the roof. Numerous co-ops and pharmacy outlets have sold their "future seven-month supply", according to a major co-op distributor.

It's noteworthy mentioning that personal hygiene is still the most important factor in preventing transmission of the disease, according to medical sources at the MoH and international advice from the WHO. For now, the public is still awaiting responses from the Kuwaiti health ministry. There have been mixed reviews related to the government's response to this crisis in the country. For now, companies are still scrambling to provide the necessary amounts of test kits and protective equipment required to satisfy the increasing demand.