KUWAIT: Regional office of the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (MILSET ASIA) announced the names of the six schools that won the first three places for boys and the first three places for girls in Kuwait 16th annual school Robot competition organized in cooperation with the education ministry for the intermediate stage students under the theme "planning and building robot", for the current school year.

Regional director of the Milset Asia office Dawood Al-Ahmad said the final qualifications of Kuwait's 16th annual school Robot competition (MILSET ASIA) had 46 students (boys and girls) and they formed 23 teams representing 10 squads for seven girls schools in addition to nine boys schools who were represented by 13 student teams.

Al-Ahmad declared the winning schools in the first three places as follows:

First place: Abdelrahman bin Abi Baker, intermediate school with the team Salman Nawaf and Mohammad Al-Ajmi.

Second place: Abdelrahman bin Abi Baker of the same school won with the team of Mohammad Shams-el-Deen and Saif Al-Ajmi.

Third place: Academy of Giftedness with the team of Yousuf Al-Mudhafar and Fahad Abdallah.

He said the girls winning schools are Qadisiya Intermediate Girls School with the team of Rayan Al-Zayed and Sarah Al-Wazzan.

Second place went to Qadisiya school also through Hala Al-Rashidi and Hussa Al-Enezi.

Third place: Surra Intermediate Girls School by Latifa Al-Khulaifi and Mariam Jamal.

He said the competition went through several coordinator and training stages that began with a meeting with teachers who were participating in the competition in addition to a training course for new teachers, and a workshop for the referring committee. He lauded Engineering and Petroleum College Students from the computer engineering department for taking the duties of the refereeing committee and participating in the organization, who qualified in a training program under the supervision of chairman of the refereeing committee Dr Abdallah Al-Mutawaa from the Kuwait University.