KUWAIT: A bedoon roaming taxi driver attempted to pick up a passenger who arrived at Kuwait airport, which angered official airport taxi drivers, who prevented him from leaving with the passenger. The bedoon driver refused to back down and things escalated to exchanging blows. Policemen attempted to resolve the problem, but matters went out of hand when the airport taxi drivers insisted the bedoon be punished, which created chaos and disrupted traffic in front of the arrivals hall. All those involved were taken to Jleeb Al-Shuyiukh police station for questioning.

Illicit material

Jahra police foiled an attempt by a citizen to sell sexual stimulation drugs he had succeeded in bringing into the country. The arrest was made when a patrol stopped him in Rahaya, searched his car and found the illicit material. He was sent to vice detectives for further legal action.

Drug possession

Farwaniya police arrested a citizen with several drugs. He was stopped for driving erratically and police found him in an abnormal condition. He had illicit herbs, chemical and pills. He was also found wanted on a civil case, so he was taken to the police station for further action.