By Sadie Hussain

your best to view this disruption as a new, if abnormal, experience that may reap some benefits if you just take the time to adapt. Eat healthier food that strengthen the immune system and are rich in vitamins, including fruits, yogurt and nuts. The immune system is weakened by smoking, alcohol and poor nutrition, including processed foods and those high in sugar.

Be more aware of what you are delivering to your body. By maintaining routines where possible or creating new daily routines, you will benefit all aspects of your life. In fact, a healthy routine is more so important during this time to ensure that you safeguard your health.

Decades of research have highlighted the importance of that. Not only do routines help alleviate mental fatigue and regulate circadian health, but they also contribute to productivity. Establishing a solid routine, especially in the morning, is key to your success in working remotely. Try to maintain your regular sleep patterns, although some may have difficulty in setting a routine absent of the pressures to get out of bed.

It is certainly achievable by ensuring that you sleep at reasonable times and wake up at the same time every day. You may spend time doing an activity before you start work i.e. exercise (morning workouts increase productivity), have a healthy breakfast, catch up with friends and family on the phone or spend some extra time with children or loved ones.

By doing so, you are also giving yourself time to map out your day so that when you sit down on your laptops, computers or smartphones to start your work day, you are operating at peak productivity. Try and take regular breaks to stretch, hydrate and eat.

Remote working has altered our lives both in positive and negative ways, though the option of remote or flexible working has always been discussed by corporates worldwide, the deterrent has always been the level of responsibility exercised by individuals. Take this time to be an example of a responsible employee, this will only produce positive bi-products such as efficiency and trust. Although some of us may have erratic work schedules, try your best to differentiate weekends in order to preserve some routine and offer yourself some downtime.

When you are not working, be mindful of your cognitive health; take time to try new relaxation activities (aside from watching television) such as reading, writing or a hobby. Find new knowledge in order to stimulate your minds and better yourselves (whether professional or personal).

When you take time for yourself and give your body the food, rest, and activity it needs, you will have more energy to meet the demands of daily life. Bringing more balance to your daily routine will also help you be more resilient. With Ramadan around the corner, it is imperative that we all take steps to manage our physical and mental wellbeing and support those around us that are struggling.

  • The above advice should not be considered as a comprehensive report or medical advice concerning issues that may affect physical and mental wellbeing.